Memberships & Fees
Green Fees
9 holes - $25.00
18 holes - $30.00
Junior - 9 holes: $15.00 / 18 holes: $20.00
Golf clubs, push buggies and basic equipment are available to hire from Quamby Estate.
Visitors/non-members are welcome and are required to book in advance. Visitors/non-member bookings are available during business hours of 8am - 4pm daily only.
Full Membership - $540 annually
Eligible to obtain a golf handicap and play in club competitions.
Social Membership - $470 annually
Entitles the member to play on the course outside of competition times. No golf handicap required.
Young Adult Membership - $405 annually
Must be between 18 - 25 years of age. Eligible to obtain a golf handicap and play in club competitions.
Junior Membership - $105 annually
Must be under 18 years of age. Eligible to obtain a golf handicap and play in club competitions.